سوالات و گرامر زبان انگلیسی

ویژه دانش آموزان ، دبیران و علاقمندان به فراگیری زبان اتگلیسی

سوالات و گرامر زبان انگلیسی

ویژه دانش آموزان ، دبیران و علاقمندان به فراگیری زبان اتگلیسی

وزارت آموزش و پرورش

اداره كل آموزش و پروش اصفهان

آموزش و پرورش برخوار

سوالات و گرامر زبان

'مدرسه راهنمايي نوايي

ضمن خدمت فرهنگيان

سامانه هوشمند پيام كوتاه

بسيج سرجوب

بانك ملي

۲۳ مطلب با موضوع «زبان سوم دبیرستان» ثبت شده است

Choose the best answer.


1) A: ” Why did Reza leave the room immediately.”

    B: ”I think Mrs  Ahmadi asked him ………………… the room.”

a) left                

b) leaves             

c) leave                      

d) to leave


2) I don’t mind ……………… at home all day, because I can spend more time with the children.

a) stay                

b) staying              

c) stayed                     

d) to stay


3) He is watching football and he is jumping up and down. He is very ………………

a) frighten         

b) ashamed            

c) excited                    

d) answering


4) Today thousands of men and women athletes ………………… in the Olympic Games.

a) take part       

b) take away from     

c) take apart                

d) take off


5) Some people never forget what they learn. They have a good …….………

a) memory        

b) competition          

c) average                 

d) fortune


6) We have to understand that any society needs different services and all jobs are important and ………………

a) powerful      

b) useful                   

c) mental                  

d) physical 


7) The police ………………… knowing about every detail of the car crash.

a) searched for     

b) made up          

c) insisted on            

d) consisted of


 8) The new employee ……………… complains about all the other workers.

a) constantly         

b) basically            

c) heavily                 

d) obviously


9) The ………………… of the lake was not great. We could see its bottom.

a) width               

b) length               

c) height                 

d) depth


10) Child born into society must be fed and …………………

a) looked up       

b) looked after       

c) looked for            

d) looked at                            


11) A: “When is your friend leaving for Paris.”

      B: “ She is going ………………… tomorrow evening.” 

a) leaves             

b) leaving             

c) to leave             

d) leave         


12) A lot of cars …………………. in this factory every year, yet they are trying to develop their production line.

a) are producing  

b) have produced  

c) are produced    

d) had been produced


13) The medicine which has been ordered by the doctor is not ……………… drugstores.

a) dangerous      

b) available           

c) able                  

d) fashionable  


14) It's believe that watching TV too much has a bad effect on children’s ……………

a) mistake           

b) eyesight          

c) pressure             

d) view


15) If you want to start this computer program, you should first read the ……………

a ) envelops        

b) services           

c) instructions        

d) individuals


16) Let’s face the …………… He’ll never finish the project successfully.

a) fact               

b) system              

c) degree             

d) society


17) My little son has got a bad ……………… He must smell the food before eating it.

a) touch            

b) meal                

c) hobby              

d) habit


18) The picture ………………… by the small child surprised everybody.

a) drawing        

b) which had drawn   

c) that draw       

d) drawn


19) The people ………………… for the bus in the rain are getting wet.

a) who waits     

b) waiting                  

c) waited           

d) are waiting


20) Cars cause pollution and ………………… many green house gases into the air.

a) release          

b) reduce                   

c) introduce        

d) operate

جواب ها در ادامه مطلب
۱ نظر ۲۰ بهمن ۸۵ ، ۰۷:۴۹
محمد داوری دولت آبادی

SPELLING: Fill in the blank with missing letters.

a) The los_ of large are _ s of memory o_curs in some p_ _sical and mental illn_ses.

b) One can solve all the problems of soc_ety and build a perfe_t nation.

c) I cut my finger. It is p_inful now.

d) Different servi_es are needed. All j_bs are useful and no one should be ash_med of one’s work.

e) People should watch cert_n programs on TV and not al_ow their lives to be

infl_ en_ed by TV.

f) Dinner times were more rela_ed without the pers_ure of TV.


VOCABULARY: Fill in the blank with these words. (There is an extra word.)

(daily – choice – education – slows down – realized – effect – stick – rubbish – channels)

1. Forgetting is rapid at first, then it …………..

2. The police ……………… the man was lying.

3. “Which car will you buy”? “I am not sure. It is hard for me to make a good


4. Saying something over and over makes it ………… in the mind.

5. In some countries there are about forty TV……………

6. A good system of ………………. should prepare children for life.

7. People who take…………… away from our houses are very helpful.

8. Watching TV for a long time has bad ……………….. in your eyesight.


b) Fill in the blank with your information.

9. Someone who is traveling by bus, taxi and train is called a ……………….

10. You should rest at home. It will ………………. your health.

11. There are several ways which help us remember things for a long time. One of them is …………………

12. The brain’s…………….. to keep a record of past events is called memory.

13. Some people are very rich, some are very poor. But a large number are …………

14. He always talks about money. Money is an …………… for him.


Write the correct form of the words given.

15. Banks try to employ ……………. people. (honest)

16. The film was ……………. we all enjoyed it. (wonder)

17. This …………………… sky shows that we may have a rainy day. (cloud)

18. Why didn’t you accept his ………………? (invite)

19. What was the reason he ………………. to the north. (migrate)

20. After a long discussion they …………………… decided not to sell the car. (final)


STRUCTURE: Choose the best answer.

21. “Will you tell him to give back the money?” Yes, I will tell him to give …………. .

a ) back it             b) it back               c) back them       d) them back

22. Could you please stop …………so much noise?

a) making            b) to make              c) make              d) makes

23. My little brother is interested ……………….. watching cartoons.

a) to                     b) on                       c) in                       d) of

24. “Did he eat a sandwich for lunch?” I don't know what…………..

a) did he eat       b) had he eaten    c) he ate                 d) he eats   

25. It was necessary for her…………….. on long dress when she had guests.

a) to put           b) put           c) putting            d) he eats

26.”why are you turning on TV?” “I……………….. the news.”

a) am watching       b) am going to watch      c) watch    d) watches


Put these words in correct order.

27. (should – him – up – o’clock – I – call – eight – before)


28. (don’t – in – I – that apartment – lives – who)



Complete the sentences.

29.  Is knowing a foreign language very important?

Yes, it is ……………………………..

30. What time has she come back?

I know what time ……………………………….


Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

31. What is the nurse doing?


32. What has made Maryam tired?


Language Function: Match Columm A with Columm B.

                  A                                                                     B                                        

33. What do you do at weekends?(     )              a) Three times a day.

34. Do you have any hobbies?(     )                    b)What’s your number?

35. What time is the film on?(     )                    c) There is a show at 7.

36. What time is my flight, please?(     )             d) You have got plenty time.

37. How often do you brush your teeth?(     )       e) I usually stay at home.

38. What do Iranian do in their free time.(     )      f) Yes, I play ping – pong.

                                                                   g) It depends. They do many        

                                                                                     different things.    

Answer this question.

39. How often do you have history in a week?



PRONUNCITION: Which word is different from others according to the stress”

40.a) mother                     b) never                     c) city                    d) ago

41.a) tomorrow                 b) happy                    c) already              d) policeman


PRONUNCITION: Which word is different from others according to the stress?

42. a) keeps              b) works         c) dishes              d) maps

43. a) Schools           b) foes            c) pens                 d) tapes


CLOZE PASSAGE: Read the text and choose the best option.

When it gets cold and      44       comes, most birds travel to south. There, the       45                   

is not cold. In hot places bird can find a lot of       46      . Some birds fly at night and rest or look for food during the day. Some of them travel      47      distances and some fly short distances. They don’t have       48     , but they know      49      they are flying at night. When spring comes, they will go back again.

44. a) spring            b) winter              c) autumn              d) summer

45. a) weather         b) water                c) home                d) lake

46. a) lands             b) homes              c) food                  d) water

47. a) wide              b) long                 c) short                 d) high

48. a) wings            b) eyes                 c) tails                  d) maps

49. a) where            b) when               c) what                 d) which


MINI COMPREHENSION: Choose the best answer.

50. Ali has a photographic memory. It means that ……………….

a) he knows how to take photograph.    

b) he can remember everything in detail.

c) his memory is similar to take photograph.         

d) he doesn’t remember anything.

51. The researchers wanted to know how families would behave if they did not watch TV programs. “They” refers to …………………

a) families               b) researches              c) programs                   d) people

52. Four of the families found that their life could not simply continue without TV and they left the experiment. According to this sentence ……………..

a) it was possible for all families to continue the experiment.

b) all the families left the experiment because they didn’t like it.

c) it wasn’t easy for all families to continue the experiment, but they did.

d) some families didn’t continue the experiment because they wanted to watch TV.

53.If you don’t use your memory, things won’t stick in your mind and you won’t be able to …………….. them.

a) forget                b) answer                   c) remember                   d) question


COMPERHENSION: Read the passage and answer the question.

Jack was clever boy. He had to work in his free time to pay for his education. Because it was very expensive to study in the university, he wanted to find works to get money to pay for his studies. He got a work in butcher’s shop during the day and another in a hospital at night. In the butcher's shop he learned to cut meat quickly. In the hospital   he did simpler jobs such as taking sick people from one part to another. Both at the shop and at the hospital, he had to put on white clothes.

54. Was his work hard in the hospital?


55. Why did he want to find works?


56. He was not a stupid boy.                             True                  False

57. He put on colorful clothes in the shop.       True                  False




۴ نظر ۱۳ دی ۸۵ ، ۰۷:۵۷
محمد داوری دولت آبادی

زیر گزینه درست خط بکشید.

1. Is it useful for you ………………… English?

a) learn             b) learning             c) to learn        d) learnt


2. They're insisting on ………………. TV at home.

a) watch           b) watching           c) to watch         d) watched


3. …………….. can improve your skill in speaking German.

a) Practice        b) Practiced          c) Practices         d) Practicing


4. For many parents, it is an important end to send their children to school. In this sentence end means ………………. .

a) goal              b) finish             c) struggle         d) educate


5. You should not be ashamed ……………….. what you do.

a) in                  b) off              c) to                  d) of


6. In below words, ………………… has stress in the second syllable.

a) never            b) before        c) happy           d) father


7. It is a nice morning. How about ……………… for  a walk , Reza ?

a) going           b) to go            c) go               d) goes


جمله بسازید.

8. (was – he – living – in – apartment – tired – that – of)

………………………………………………………………. ?


9. (say – all – that – can – us – we – educated – be – of – must)

………………………………………………………………………………. .


با استفاده از کلمات داخل پرانتز به سوالات زیر پاسخ دهید.

10. Can the dog climb the tree? (impossible)



11. What has made Ali tired? ( to walk)



شکل صحیح کلمات داخل پرانتز را در نقطه چین بنویسید.

12. They won't ………………….. ( easy ) build the building.

13. My watch is five minutes …………………. ( slow ).

درک مطلب

14. Some people with university degrees refuse to do what they think low work.  

In other words, some educated people …………………

a) insist on working hard              b) don’t  like to do low work

c) like to rest at home everyday     d) don’t think about their work

۳ نظر ۰۶ آذر ۸۵ ، ۰۶:۴۱
محمد داوری دولت آبادی

نمونه سوالات درس 4

1 - کلمات داده شده را به طور مناسب در جاهای خالی به کار ببرید .

( held – measure – organize – meeting – attracted – celebration – events – allow – competitions – excited)


1) When is Ali's birthday celebration ? I don’t know .

2) We held our meeting at the office last Friday .

3) What's that book about? It is about the events that occurred during the war .

4) That wrestler was very excited when he won the gold medal .

5) Our teacher promised to organize a school trip to Damavand.

6) Asian football matches attracted a lot of people last year .

7) Your final examination will be held next Saturday .

8) Let's go to the stadium to see the competitions among the athletes.

9) Reza wants to measure the length of the table .

10) Her husband doesn’t allow her to go out with them.

11) Who held the Olympic game ? The IOC


2 – با استفاده از کلمات مناسب از خودتان ،‌جملات زیر را کامل کنید .             


1) My father is a great wrestler . He won a gold medal last year .

2) The winter Olympic games are always held in countries with snow – covered mountains .

3) The day when you were born is called your birthday.

4) A person who is good at running, jumping, is called a (n) athlete

5) It is a day or time of rest from work . It is a (n) holiday.

6) A gold medal is awarded to the first of every competition .

7) The 15th of Shaban is a great religious celebration

8) It is given to the individual who places third in a competition. It is a bronze medal.


3- شکل صحیح کلمات داخل پرانتز را بنویسید .


1) After a long discussion , they finally decided not to sell their car . (length)

2) Without the heat and light of the sun , people and animals will die . ( hot )

3) The length of that wooden  table is two meters. ( long)

4) I don’t know how they measure the height of a mountain. ( high )

5) The depth of the water here is over three meters. ( deep )

6) A bronze medal is awarded to the third place winner (win)

7) This river is very wide. We can hardly swim across it. ( wide )

8) The depth of the river can't be easily measured. (deep)

9) We measured the length of the table. (long )

10) He should swim the length of the pool. ( long )


4- بر اساس جمله داده شده ، جمله ناقص را کامل کنید .


1) She told me, " Turn off the radio y."

She told me to turn off the radio  immediatel


2) The teacher told me, "Be careful about your pronunciation."

Our teacher told me to be careful about my pronunciation.


3) Jack told me, "Wash your shirt yourself."

Jack told me  to wash my shirt myself.


4) My mother told me, "."

My mother told me to clean my shoes before going out.


5) Parvin, "Please send the letter to me ."

Nahid asked Parvin to send the letter to her.


6) She said to him, "please bring your dictionary."

She asked  him to bring her dictionary.


7) The teacher told us, "Don’t put your books on your desks ."

The  teacher told  us not to put our books on our desks.


"Mary , please be quite."

Mrs Brown asks Mary to be quite.


5 – دستور زبان – بهترین گزینه را انتخاب کنید.

1) I ordered the children ………….. much water to wash the car.

a) not use          b) don’t use       c) not using       d) not to use


2) We advised him …………… the promise.

a) not break       b)not to break    c) doesn’t break  d) not breaking


3) The teacher told his students …………… their time uselessly.

a) not to spend  b) don’t spend     c) not spending         d) not spend


4) They ordered him ……………. the bags to the second floor.

a) carried            b) to carry                c) carrying                          d) carry


درک مطلب های کوتاه


1) The winter Olympics are always held in countries with snow- covered mountains. These games include skiing, skating, ice hockey and so on. These sentences tell us that………… .

a) skiing is one of the winter Olympic games.

b) snow is not very important in the winter games.

c) skating is the only winter Olympic games.

d) The Winter Olympic are never held in countries where their mountains are covered with snow.


2) “When are you going to have your party?”

“It will be ………….  next Monday night.

a) held              b) paid              c) lost                                d) cost


3) Takhti is an Iranian athlete. He is the father of wrestling. It means that ……………

a) Takhti’s father was an athlete in wrestling.

b) Takhti was not great in wrestling.

c) Takhti had to be an athlete in wrestling as his father.

d) Takhti helped a lot to improve wrestling in Iran.


4) The Olympics consists of two – week summer games and ten – day winter competition. It means that ………………

a) they are as long as each other .

b) the first is shorter than the second.

c) the first is longer than  the second.

d) the second is not shorter than the first.  


Good Luck_M.Davari 

۳ نظر ۱۱ خرداد ۸۵ ، ۲۰:۰۴
محمد داوری دولت آبادی

کلمات ناقص زیر را بطور کامل بازنویسی کنید.

A.B. Your aver – ge is very low. I am sure practice will impr – ve it.

C. D. The bra-n can record a large amount of inform – tion.

E.F. Computers are used in any fi – Id of human acti – ity.

I. J. I don’t know all te d – ta – Is a bout Ahmad’s ac – ident.

K. L We should ex – mine other s – stems of education.

M.N. Every word has a kind of s – stems of education.

O. P. A lot of athletes from different co – ntries take part in the comp – t – tions.


با استفاده ازکلمات دادهشده جملات زیر را کامل کنید.

Attract – effect – switched – habit – rubbish – memory – degree – tower - athlete

1. What is the …………… of television on children’s lives?

2. We need people to clean our streets and take the ……….. away from our houses.

3. Football matches …………….. a lot of young people.

4. I don’t have a good …………… I can’t remember the

telephone numbers.

5. When the students finish university, they get a/an ……………

6. Takhti was a great………….. He is the father of wrestling.

7. They ………….. the conversation to a different topic when I came in.

8. “Do you know the designer of Azadi …………..?” “No, I don’t.”


شکل صحیح کلمات داخل پرانتز را در جاهای خالی بنویسید.

9. My sister was ……….. tired yesterday.(real)

10. Last night I had only some ………. soup.(water)

11. These tall trees and ……….. flowers are wonderful.(color)

12. I couldn't solve the problem. It was ……….. (confuse)

13. I accepted their ……….. and went to their party. (invite)

14. The weather is very ………….. in Bandar Abbas in summer.


جمله های زیر را فقط با نوشتن یک کلمه ی مناسب کامل کنید.

15. In Ramadan, Moslems do not eat from sunrise to sunset. In fact, they ……….

16. He is a good swimmer. He won a gold ……….. last year.

17. Please turn on the TV. There is a good film on ……….. five.

18. The first meal of the day is called …………….

19. Helping people is his …………. in life.

20. Long ago, men learned how to make sheets of ……………. from papyrus.


با هر یک از کلمات زیر یک جملة کامل بنویسید.

27. repair – to – is- going – his – on Friday – my father – car.

28. some – I – soup – will eat – French – chicken.


بر اساس جمله‌های داده شده، جملات ناقص را کامل کنید.

26. Jack told me, “Study your lessons carefully.”

Jack told me……………………………

30. “Where did she live last year?”

“I don’t know………….………………”


با توجه به تصاویر به سؤالات زیر پاسخ دهید.

31. Has the blackboard been cleaned?

32. What is the woman telling the girl to do?


پاسخ سؤالات قسمت A را از بین جواب‌های قسمت B انتخاب کنید. (یک پاسخ اضافی است).


33. What does your job involve?A. Once a year.

34. How tall is your brother?B. I usually

35. What do you do in your free time?C. It is at 9 o’clock.

36. How often do you go to the dentist?D. I manage an office.

37. How do you usually get to work?E. He is a bout 165 centimeters.

38. Why is he so excited?F. He is watching football.

39. What time is your flight, please?G. Ten minutes.

40. Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?I go to the cinema.

کدام کلمه از نظر تلفظ “s” یا “es” پایان کلمه با سه کلمه دیگر متفاوت است؟

41. a. girlsb. mapsc. booksd. mats

42. a. washesb. placesc. teachesd. doctors


کدام کلمه ازنظر تکیه (stress) با سه کلمة دیگر متفاوت است؟

43. a. happyb. cityc. about d. added

44.. a. forgetb. enoughc. agod. father


با توجه به مفهوم جملات، گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید.

45. Snow – covered roads are very dangerous. So, we expect drivers …………..

a. not to drive on these roads at all

b. to drive very carefully on these roads

c. not to drive out of town during winter

d. to put on warm clothes in snow

46. Javad! The train leaves in two hours. Why don’t you sit down and relax.

These sentences tell us that Javad ……………….

a. has enough timeb. has a little time

c. must leave immediatelyd. has no time

47. For families with children a big problem is getting the children away from the television.

To do their homework. This sentence tells us that …………….

a. children are not interested in watching TV.

b. children prefer doing their homework to watching TV

c. watching TV stops children from doing their homework

d. families like to do their children’s homework

48. The word “ hello” was kept because it was so useful.. Other new words that are not so useful may be forgotten soon. According to these sentences, ……………

a. he word “hello” was forgotten soon

b. useful words are always kept

c. most of the words must be forgotten soon

d. the words which are not so useful should be kept


متن زیررا بخوانیدو به سؤالات بصورت خواسته شده پاسخ دهید.

My uncle is a shopkeeper. He has a/ an 49in a small village near Oxford. The shop 50almost every thing from bread to newspaper. The children always stop to 51some money on chocolate or ice – cream. My uncle is very polite and behaves very 52.He doesn’t often 53the village because he doesn’t have a car. He also grows plants and vegetables. His wife and children help him a lot. My family 54them in the village twice a year. I think he has a simple and comfortable life.

      49        50         51       52         53       54

a. homea. busya. spenda. angrilya. travela. visits

b. shopb. makesb. sendb. badlyb. stayb. watches

c. housec. sellsc. getc. kindlyc. stopc. observes

d. officed. holdsd. putd. sadlyd. leaved. looks


متن زیر را بخوانید و به سؤالات بصورت خواسته شده پاسخ دهید.

My family likes the sea very much. When we have a holiday, we go to a place at the seaside and borrow a boat from one of our friends. Them we sail on the sea and catch fish ass day. Sometimes we sail on a small lake near the sea. We are very careful on this lake because there are a lot of sharp rocks there. There aren’t many fish in the lake. The fish aren’t very big, but they taste very good. When the weather is fine, we go to the land at lunch time and make a fire with the pieces of dry wood and cook the fish and eat them.

55. Where do the writer and his/her family go when they have a holiday?

56. Why do the fish?

58. The lake is by the sea.

a. Trueb. False

59. They eat their lunch in the boat.

a. Trueb. False

Good Luck_M.Davari 

۱ نظر ۲۲ بهمن ۸۴ ، ۰۵:۵۴
محمد داوری دولت آبادی

با تشکر از سرکار خانم شهشهانی


SPELLING: Fill in the blank with missing letters.

       a) The los_ of large are _ s of memory o_curs in some p_ _sical and mental illn_ses.

b) One can solve all the problems of soc_ety and build a perfe_t nation.

c) I cut my finger. It is p_inful now.

d)Different servi_es are needed. All j_bs are useful and no one should be ash_med of one’s work.

e) People should watch cert_n programs on TV and not al_ow their lives to be

infl_ en_ed by TV.

f) Dinner times were more rela_ed without the pers_ure of TV.




VOCABULARY: Fill in the blank with these words. (There is an extra word.)

(daily – choice – education – slows down – realized – effect – stick – rubbish – channels)

1. Forgetting is rapid at first, then it …………..

2. The police ……………… the man was lying.

3. “Which car will you buy”? “I am not sure. It is hard for me to make a good


4. Saying something over and over makes it ………… in the mind.

5. In some countries there are about forty TV……………

6. A good system of ………………. should prepare children for life.

7. People who take…………… away from our houses are very helpful.

8. Watching TV for a long time has bad ……………….. in your eyesight.




b) Fill in the blank with your information.

9. Someone who is traveling by bus, taxi and train is called a ……………….

10. You should rest at home. It will ………………. your health.

11. There are several ways which help us remember things for a long time. One of them is …………………

12. The brain’s…………….. to keep a record of past events is called memory.

13. Some people are very rich, some are very poor. But a large number are …………

14. He always talks about money. Money is an …………… for him.




Write the correct form of the words given.

15. Banks try to employ ……………. people. (honest)

16. The film was ……………. we all enjoyed it. (wonder)

17. This …………………… sky shows that we may have a rainy day. (cloud)

18. Why didn’t you accept his ………………? (invite)

19. What was the reason he ………………. to the north. (migrate)

20. After a long discussion they …………………… decided not to sell the car. (final)




STRUCTURE: Choose the best answer.

21. “Will you tell him to give back the money?” Yes, I will tell him to give …………. .

a ) back it             b) it back               c) back them          d) them back

22. Could you please stop …………so much noise?

a) making            b) to make              c) make                  d) makes

23. My little brother is interested ……………….. watching cartoons.

a) to                     b) on                       c) in                        d) of

24. “Did he eat a sandwich for lunch?” I don't know what…………..

a) did he eat       b) had he eaten    c) he ate                 d) he eats   

25. It was necessary for her…………….. on long dress when she had guests.

a) to put           b) put           c) putting            d) he eats

26.”why are you turning on TV?” “I……………….. the news.”

a) am watching            b) am going to watch           c) watch          d) watches




Put these words in correct order.

27. (should – him – up – o’clock – I – call – eight – before)


28. (don’t – in – I – that apartment – lives – who)





Complete the sentences.

29. Is knowing a foreign language very important?

Yes, it is ……………………………..

30. What time has she come back?

I know what time ……………………………….




Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

31. What is the nurse doing?


32. What has made Maryam tired?




Language Function: Match Columm A with Columm B.

                  A                                                                     B                                        

33. What do you do at weekends?(     )                     a) Three times a day.

34. Do you have any hobbies?(     )                          b)What’s your number?

35. What time is the film on?(     )                           c) There is a show at 7.

36. What time is my flight, please?(     )                  d) You have got plenty time.

37. How often do you brush your teeth?(     )           e) I usually stay at home.

38. What do Iranian do in their free time.(     )         f) Yes, I play ping – pong.

                                                                          g) It depends. They do many        

                                                                                     different things.    



Answer this question.

39. How often do you have history in a week?





PRONUNCITION: Which word is different from others according to the stress”

40.a) mother                     b) never                     c) city                    d) ago

41.a) tomorrow                 b) happy                    c) already              d) policeman




PRONUNCITION: Which word is different from others according to the stress?

42. a) keeps              b) works         c) dishes              d) maps

43. a) Schools           b) foes            c) pens                 d) tapes




CLOZE PASSAGE: Read the text and choose the best option.

When it gets cold and      44       comes, most birds travel to south. There, the       45                   

is not cold. In hot places bird can find a lot of       46      . Some birds fly at night and rest or look for food during the day. Some of them travel      47      distances and some fly short distances. They don’t have       48     , but they know      49      they are flying at night. When spring comes, they will go back again.

44. a) spring            b) winter              c) autumn              d) summer

45. a) weather         b) water                c) home                d) lake

46. a) lands             b) homes              c) food                  d) water

47. a) wide              b) long                 c) short                 d) high

48. a) wings            b) eyes                 c) tails                  d) maps

49. a) where            b) when               c) what                 d) which




MINI COMPREHENSION: Choose the best answer.

50. Ali has a photographic memory. It means that ……………….

a) he knows how to take photograph.    

b) he can remember everything in detail.

c) his memory is similar to take photograph.         

d) he doesn’t remember anything.

51. The researchers wanted to know how families would behave if they did not watch TV programs. “They” refers to …………………

a) families               b) researches              c) programs                   d) people

52. Four of the families found that their life could not simply continue without TV and they left the experiment. According to this sentence ……………..

a) it was possible for all families to continue the experiment.

b) all the families left the experiment because they didn’t like it.

c) it wasn’t easy for all families to continue the experiment, but they did.

d) some families didn’t continue the experiment because they wanted to watch TV.

53.If you don’t use your memory, things won’t stick in your mind and you won’t be able to …………….. them.

a) forget                b) answer                   c) remember                   d) question




COMPERHENSION: Read the passage and answer the question.

Jack was clever boy. He had to work in his free time to pay for his education. Because it was very expensive to study in the university, he wanted to find works to get money to pay for his studies. He got a work in butcher’s shop during the day and another in a hospital at night. In the butcher's shop he learned to cut meat quickly. In the hospital   he did simpler jobs such as taking sick people from one part to another. Both at the shop and at the hospital, he had to put on white clothes.

54. Was his work hard in the hospital?


55. Why did he want to find works?


56. He was not a stupid boy.                         True                  False

57. He put on colorful clothes in the shop.       True                  False



۳ نظر ۲۱ بهمن ۸۴ ، ۱۵:۱۷
محمد داوری دولت آبادی


زیر بهترین جواب خط بکشید.

1) "Where did he meet them ?" " I don't know where ……………………. them . "

a) he did meet             b) did he meet           c) he meets           d) he met


2) It was nice to ……………… with you.

a) am                       b) was                     c) is                    d) be


3) He won’t tell us what ………………. tomorrow.

a) they could buy        b) they will buy          c) will they buy       d) could they buy


4) We find a far larger number of people with university degrees than there are jobs for them.

According to the above sentences, there are ……………..

a) enough jobs for educated people .

b) fewer jobs for educated people

c) not many jobs for uneducated people .

d) more jobs for educated people .


5) She hasn't written the letter yet. She …………… it tonight.

a) is going to write       b) writes                   c) has written         d) have read


6) Is it difficult to climb a tall tree?  B: Yes, ……………… a tall tree is not easy.

a) climb                       b) climbs                  c) climbed              d) climbing


7) Four of the forty-four families found that the family life simply couldn't continue without TV, and they left the experiment. This sentence means that ..................

a) it was possible for all family to continue the experiment

b) not all family could live without TV.

c) all family left the experiment

d) it was easy for all families to live without TV.


8) In below words, ………………… has stress in the second syllable.

a) never                 b) before                c) happy                 d) father


9) I hope this medicine will .......................... your sick mother.

a) produce             b) realize                c) explain               d) cure


10) Those who have weak ……………can't recall things easily.

a) memory             b) ability                c) power                d) practice


11) Is it dangerous to drive on this road?

No, ……………… on this road is not dangerous.

a) drove                  b) driving             c) drive                   d) drives


12)" Is the boy going …………….. that book ?" " Yes, he is "

a) buy                     b) to buy             c) buys                    d) buying


13) For many parents, it is an important end to send their children to school. In this sentence end means ………………. .

a) goal                   b) finish               c) struggle                d) educate


14) Most things are forgotten in the first hour or day after they are learned, but less is forgotten after a weak or so. We understand from this sentence that …………. .

a) the pace of forgetting doesn't change

b) after a weak nothing is forgotten

c) forgetting is what we don't learn

d) forgetting is rapid at first, then slows down


15) He spent his …………… time on practicing English.

a) pace                     b) free              c) degree                 d) average


16) He avoids ……………………………. in public places.

a) smoke                  b) smoking        c) smoked               d) to smoke


17) They let him ……………… to music.

a) listen                    b) to listen        c) listens                 d) listening


18) In our chemistry class we sometimes do ………………

a) averages             b) improves        c) experiments         d) educations


19) It is expensive for us ………………… in an apartment at the center of the city

a) to live                 b) living              c) that we live         d) live


20) Your shoes are dirty. Please ……………… them ……………….

a) put – on             b) turn – off          c) take – off          d) pick – up


جمله بسازید.

21) (dislikes / dirty / she /  clothes / washing / the)

She dislikes washing the dirty clothes.


جمله ی زیر را با نوشتن کلمه مناسب از خودتان کامل کنید.

22) The brain's ability to remember thing is called memory.


شکل صحیح کلمه ی داخل پرانتز را در جای خالی بنویسید.

23) Last night I had only some watery soup. (water)


بر اساس جمله ی داده شده ، جمله ی ناقص را کامل کنید.

24) Learning about other people is interesting.

It is interesting to learn about other people.

با توجه به شکل به سوال زیر پاسخ دهید.

25) What is Ali doing? He is putting on his jacket.

                                Or He is putting his jacket on.


Good Luck_M.Davari

۲ نظر ۱۵ دی ۸۴ ، ۱۰:۵۴
محمد داوری دولت آبادی

هر کس به دانش پیشتر است ، قیمتش بیشتر است . پیامبر اکرم ( ص )      


کلمات ناقص را بطور کامل بازنویسی کنید.

Fill in the blanks with the missing letters.

Some TV chan_els show only a sing_e type of program.

A large n_mber of people take part in religio_s celebrations.

A computer p_rform  many tasks by me_ns of processing information.

Many space_ra_ts have been sent to other pl_n_ts

Millions of vie_ers follow their countries fort_nes on TV.

The br_ _n can record a large am_unt of information.

The p_rp_se of education is not to help people to get higher university d_gre_s.

He couldn’t say hel_o because he was very e_c_ted.




با استفاده از کلمات داده شده جملات زیر را کامل کنید. (یک کلمه اضافی است)

Fill in the blanks with the words given. There is one extra word.

(information- allow- end- force- reported- immediately- wrestles- field- average)


1.     One of the most important uses of computers is in the …….……. of medicine.

2.     She is very ill. She should be taken to hospital …….……… .

3.     If you make any more noise, I will …..………. you to leave the room.

4.     I’m afraid. I can’t …….…….. you to go to the cinema alone.

5.     During the night it was …….……… that a house was on fire.

6.     Becoming rich seems to be his only …………….. in life.

7.     Please give me more …………….. about that job.

8.     He is a great athlete. He …………… beautifully.




جمله های زیر را با نوشتن کلمه ای مناسب از خودتان کامل کنید.

Fill in the blanks with a suitable word of your own.

9. The big, round, yellow thing in the sky that shines during the day and gives us light and heat is called the  …..……….. .


10. It is given to the individual who places third in an athletic competition. It’s a ….………… medal.


11. You can break your fast as the …….……… sets.


12. Someone whose job is to grow plants and vegetables and keep animals is called a/an …….………. .


13. A period of 12 months is called a/an ….…………. .


14. A person who is good at running, jumping, swimming or wrestling is called a/an  ……..………. .




شکل صحیح کلمه های داخل پرانتز را در جاهای خالی بنویسید.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the parentheses.

15. It was …….…….. to see him again after 20 years. (wonder)

16. She speaks English very …………… I can’t understand most of her sentences. (rapid)

17. I sent Shirin an  …….……… to the dinner party. (invite)

18. Computers and videos are …………… things to have at schools. (use)

19. He has a good job and a lovely family. He’s very …….……. man. (happiness)

20. He always seems …………… , he is never sure of what he is doing. (confuse)




پاسخ صحیح را از بین گزینه های پیشنهاد شده انتخاب کنید.

Choose the correct answer.

21. “Where did park the car, Ali?” “I don’t remember where ….…….. it.”

a. you parked         b. did you park      c. have you parked d. are you parking


22. “Where are you going?” “To the post office. I ….……. a letter.”

a. would post          b. had posted        c. have posted                d. am going to post


23. It is impossible for him …..……… that tall tree.

a. climb                  b. climbs                c. to climb                       d. climbing


24. I am not sure that he will wait ….……….. Mr Amini in his office.

a. about                 b. after                  c. for                    d. of


25. “I usually see your brother in the stadium.” “Yes, he enjoys ….…….. football matches.”

a. watch                 b. to watch  c. watching             d. watches


26. Those interesting films …..………. at school on Fridays.

a. are shown b. show                  c. are showing                  d. have shown




با هر گروه از کلمه های زیر یک جمله بسازید.

Put the words in the correct order.

27. ( him/ wants/ to clean/his room/she )



28. (were/shocking/shocked/we/the news/because/was)





بر اساس جمله های داده شده ، جمله های ناقص را کامل کنید.

Complete the following  sentences based on the sentences given.

29. “When do they meet him in the park?”

“I don’t know …………………………. .”


30. He asked me, “Please take your brother to school.”

He asked me ………………..……………………….




با توجه به تصاویر به سوالات زیر پاسخ دهید.

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

31. What did the man force them to do?



32. What is the boy going to do?





پاسخ سوالات قسمت A را از بین جوابهای قسمتB انتخاب کنید. ( یک پاسخ اضافی است)

Match column A with column B. There is one extra item in B.


33. What does his job involve?                                           ……             

34. When do you usually get to school?                               ……          

35. Excuse me, how can I get to the bus station, please?      ……

36. How often do you visit your grandfather?                       ……   

37. Why are you so sad?                                                    ……   

38. Have you heard anything about the new manager?         ……    

39. Did you really enjoy the movie?                                     ……  

40. What’s he going to do this afternoon?                            ……


a. He keeps accounts.

b. About two hours.

c. Go straight on. It's two blocks down this street.

d. He is planning to go fishing.

e. By seven thirty.

f. Yes, it was wonderful.

g. Yes, people say he is very nice.

h. Three times a month. 

i. My husband has just lost his job.       




کلمات زیر را بر اساس تکیه «  stress » زیر ستون مناسب بنویسید.

Put the words under the right column according to their stress patterns.

41. (computer -  program -  eleven - holiday)














متن زیر را بخوانید و جاهای خالی جملات را با گزینه های داده شده کامل کنید.

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

Finding a job is often difficult for a young person today. But it will be easier if you     42     these things. First, you have to    43     what kind of job you want. Think     44      what kind of work you like to do. You can talk to some people who have      45       kinds of jobs. Then you should write something about your      46     and your earlier jobs. Remember that it should be organized and typed      47     .Then you are ready to start looking for a job.

42. a) include                   b) measure             c) follow                 d) order

43. a) decide                    b) advise                c) promise             d) permit

44. a) on                         b) for                     c) about                 d) in

45. a) serious                   b) simple                c) average              d) different

46. a) competition            b) education           c) conversation      d) observation

47. a) carefully                 b) silently               c) constantly         d) basically




با توجه به مفهوم جملات ، گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید.

Read the sentences and choose the correct answer.

48. Some student do silly things in the classroom. They are never ashamed of what they do. According to these sentences, students should be  .………

a)      ready to watch others doing silly things in the classroom

b)      ashamed of doing silly things in the classroom

c)      educated to doing silly things in the classroom

d)      afraid of their teachers when they are called on in the classroom


49. Javad! The train leaves in two hours. Why don’t you sit down and relax? The above sentences tell us that Javad ………… .

a. has enough time                                   b. has a little time

c. must leave immediately                         d. doesn’t have sufficient time


50. The world is changing all the time, so are words.

We understand from the above sentence that ………….. .

a. the world changes the words

b. the world and words are constantly changing

c. the world changes, but the words don’t

d. words make changes in the world


51. "When are you going to have your party?" "It will be …………. next Monday night."

a. held                        b. paid                   c. lost           d. cost




متن زیر را بخوانید و سپس به سوالات 52 و 53 پاسخ کامل دهید و گزینه صحیح سؤالات 54 و 55را انتخاب کنید.

Read he passage and answer the questions.

  David worked as a seller in a big supermarket. Like some of the other young people, he did not like his job very much. One day he was talking to his friend, John who worked there too. "I'm going to find another job as soon as I can." he said. "The pay is not very good and the work isn’t interesting.The worst thing about it is that I have to obey Mr Kean's  orders". Mr kean was the manager of the supermarket. Everybody was a little afraid of him. He often walked around the supermarket and always got very angry if he saw someone who was not working. Sometimes there was really no work to do but people still tried to look busy.

  While David was talking, John looked up and saw Mr Kean coming near them. David was sitting on a chair and Mr Kean was just behind him. He could hear every word David was saying. John didn’t know what to do.


52. What was David?



53. Why couldn’t David see the manager?



54. David wanted to find another job because ……………… .

a. they all liked their job very much

b. Mr Kean ordered them to look busy

c. his pay was good but his manager always walked around him

d. he was pain less than his friend


55. Everyboday in the supermarket looked very busy because  ………….

a. they all liked their job very much

b. Mr Kean ordered them to look busy

c. Mr Kean would be angry if he saw them not working

d. there were always a lot of shoppers there




۱ نظر ۱۰ دی ۸۴ ، ۱۸:۰۹
محمد داوری دولت آبادی