سوالات و گرامر زبان انگلیسی

ویژه دانش آموزان ، دبیران و علاقمندان به فراگیری زبان اتگلیسی

سوالات و گرامر زبان انگلیسی

ویژه دانش آموزان ، دبیران و علاقمندان به فراگیری زبان اتگلیسی

وزارت آموزش و پرورش

اداره كل آموزش و پروش اصفهان

آموزش و پرورش برخوار

سوالات و گرامر زبان

'مدرسه راهنمايي نوايي

ضمن خدمت فرهنگيان

سامانه هوشمند پيام كوتاه

بسيج سرجوب

بانك ملي

زبان 2 پایانی

دوشنبه, ۱۵ خرداد ۱۳۸۵، ۰۸:۰۱ ق.ظ

با تشکر فراوان از سرکار خانم  فخرایی


Fill in the incomplete words.            

I'm sure this medicines will cure your illness.

Their bosses were cruel to them. I see a terrible car accident.

He jumped out of bed quickly. I think it is a good topic.

We have to learn the social behavior of the people.

He requires peace and quiet. They're just something that happens.

He bought some chicken soup and cream.



Fill in the blanks with the given words. There is one extra words:

(slice-trouble-spaceship-canals-reason-shopping-comment on-mixed-whole)

1.    You are my older brother. You can comment on my job.

2.    People who can't read and write usually get into trouble.

3.    I was very thirsty so I drank a whole glass of water.

4.    I missed the bus. That is the reason why I am late.

5.    He can't find the address. He is mixed up.

6.    A lot of pictures were taken by a Russion spaceship.

7.    There are a banana and a slice of cake on the plate.

8.    Small boats sails on canals about a footwide.


Choos the best answer:

1. The same side of the moon ……………. the earth all the time.

   a. gloves             b. burns              c. faces               d. turns


2. If you keep going hic , others may start to…………….

   a. giggle                 b. cry              c. jerk                 d. scare


3. Betty and Judy don’t have the same idea. They……….with each other.

   a. describe             b. disagree       c. expect              d. agree


4. He bought what look…………… a can of soup.

   a. at                       b. for             c. like                d. out


Complete the sentences with suitable words:

1.    It is way of being friendly to someone. It is a greeting.

2.    During the night it is not light. It is dark.

3.    A book that is about history is a history book.

4.    A man who works in the navy is a sailor.



Choose the best answer.

1. I would study more if I ………… we had a test today.

   a. have known       b. had known        c. knew             d.know


2. John …………. his homework before he ate dinner.

  a. has done        b. had done          c. is doing         d. is done


3. The letters ……… were written yesterday are here.

  a. which          b. who            c. whom            d. whose


4.They arrived in ………… England in ………. evening.

  a. a/the            b. ----/the            c. the/-----         d. the/the


Look at the pictures and answer the questions

1. What would happen if the children played football in the yard?

If they played in the yard, they might break the window.


2. Which man is from Iran?

The man who is playing football is from Iran.


Put these words in the correct order:

1. order-for-herself-Jane-a cake-to-wanted.

Jane wanted to order a cake for herself.

2. in the park-no-I-today-see-children.

I see no children in the park today.


Complete the sentences with the given word in the parentheses.

1.    If it is not rainy today, we will go on a picnic. (to go)

2.    Jack left his office early because he had finished his work.(to finish)

3.    You are very good at drawing beautiful flowers. (to draw)

4.    My sister decided to buy a blue dress. (to buy)


Language Function:

Match column A with column B. There is one extra item in B.

                    A                                              B

1. Would you mind helping me at home? e         a. 450 tomans.

2. When is your appointment with the doctor? f  b. in Aban.

3. Does it rain much in your country? g             c. It is very big.

4. What month is your birthday? b                    d. It’s a busy city.

5. How much is that magazine? a                    e. All right.

6. How big is Tabriz? c                                  f. on the sixteenth.

                                                                  g. Yes quite a lot            



Write each word under the correct phonetic symbol:





/ ɜː /







Reading Comprehension


Choose the best option:

1. Questions like "How are you?" aren’t real questions. Therefore  we …………..   to such questions.

a. should give a true answer.

b. should give a full answer.

c. don’t have to give a true answer.

d. shouldn’t give any answers


2. The little old man stayed at home and made lovely toys out of wood.

a. The old man made lovely wooden toys.

b. The old man made the toys out of his house.

c. Nobody liked the lovely toys he made.

d. The old man went out to make lovely toys.


3.When the man ran out of bananas, Washoe  kept on doing puzzles.

The above sentence means:

a.Washoe couldn’t do the puzzle without rewards.

b.The man ran out of the room to get some more bananas.

c.Washoe just liked to do puzzles and didn’t do them for rewards.

d.When the bananas finished, Washoe stopped doing puzzles.



Read the passage and answer the questions.

Helen Keller lived in the United States. She was a great woman. When she was a baby , she got very sick. After many weeks the doctor said, "she is better, but now she cannot see and she cannot hear." After a few years things got worse. Helen was liked a wild animal. There was no way for Helen to speak to other people, She heard nothing. She didn’t understand anything. Then one day a teacher came to live with Helen and her family. She learned many things. She learned to read and write. She worked and traveled. Her teacher went with her everywhere. When she was older she went to college.

Her teacher sat next to her and helped her with her work. Helen helped to build schools and find books for people who couldn’t see or hear.

1.    Where was Helen from?

She was from the United States.

2.    Could Helen speak and see?

No, she couldn't speak and see.


3.     Helen's teacher came to her house every day to teach her how to read. False

4.    When Helen grew up and went to the college her teacher helped her a lot. True

5.    Helen got very sick when she was an old man. False

6.    Helen always traveled alone. False

 Good Luck_M.Davari

محمد داوری دولت آبادی

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دوست عزیز، آقا داوری
من در حال راه‌اندازی یک وب سایت جهت آموزش زبان انگلیسی هستم تا افرادی که مایل به آموختن زبان انگلیسی هستند، از جمله دانش آموزان، بتوانند به طور کاملا رایگان از مزایای آن استفاده کنند. میخواستم ببینم آیا شما در بخش دبیرستان حاضر به همکاری با من هستید؟ (مثلا در بخش آموزش گرامر ویژه دبیرستان و ...)
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