سوالات و گرامر زبان انگلیسی

ویژه دانش آموزان ، دبیران و علاقمندان به فراگیری زبان اتگلیسی

سوالات و گرامر زبان انگلیسی

ویژه دانش آموزان ، دبیران و علاقمندان به فراگیری زبان اتگلیسی

وزارت آموزش و پرورش

اداره كل آموزش و پروش اصفهان

آموزش و پرورش برخوار

سوالات و گرامر زبان

'مدرسه راهنمايي نوايي

ضمن خدمت فرهنگيان

سامانه هوشمند پيام كوتاه

بسيج سرجوب

بانك ملي

Imam Ali's Preaches

جمعه, ۱۳ بهمن ۱۳۸۵، ۰۸:۰۱ ق.ظ

Imam Ali's Preaches


Imam Ali Said:

The one who teaches me but a single word makes me his servant.


One who asks questions learns.


Every thing is good when it is new but friends who are good when they are old.


Don’t speak when you find it untimely.


The best of all men is one who is the most useful to the people.


If you love God clear from your heart the love of the world.


Don’t close a door that you are unable to open.   


One who is content with little needs not much.


A true believer will not eat fully as long as his brother is hungry.


How can you be happy in this life than grows shorter with the passage of every hour? 


The one who is unable to keep his own secrets will never be able to keep the secrets of others.


Be in such term with your friend as if he may turn against you one day and treat your enemy as if he may become a friend one day.


Entrust your friend with anything but your secrets.


Don’t let God see you away from His obedience and occupied with sins; and, consequently hate you.


Fear God who hears when you speak; and knows what you think.


By thinking you can find the way and by negligence you lose it.


One who gives advice and does not practice it himself is like a bow without string.


How bad it is to have a troublesome neighbor.


Health cannot be obtained expect by abstinence 


All people are defective and deficient except those whom God saves.


Live in peace with people so that you may a peaceful life.


Jealously cannot enter the heart of a pure-hearted person.

Good Luck_M.Davari

محمد داوری دولت آبادی

نظرات  (۴)

سلام آقای داوری
من شما رو لینک کردم - ممنون که منون لینک کردی - من یه 20 روزی تهران نبودم وگرنه زودتر شما رو لینک می کردم. وب شما جالبه و حاوی مطالب خیلی ارزنده است. امیدوارم ادامه بدی و به دوست داران زبان انگلیسی کمک کنی. از شما تشکر می کنم و امیدوارم تو کارتون موفق باشید.
از اینکه از وبلاگم دیدن کردین ممنون
۱۴ بهمن ۸۵ ، ۲۱:۲۸ احمد رضا قدیری
خسته نباشی برادر
ممنون میشم اگه ترجمه ی جملات و متن ها رو هم بنویسین

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