سوالات و گرامر زبان انگلیسی

ویژه دانش آموزان ، دبیران و علاقمندان به فراگیری زبان اتگلیسی

سوالات و گرامر زبان انگلیسی

ویژه دانش آموزان ، دبیران و علاقمندان به فراگیری زبان اتگلیسی

وزارت آموزش و پرورش

اداره كل آموزش و پروش اصفهان

آموزش و پرورش برخوار

سوالات و گرامر زبان

'مدرسه راهنمايي نوايي

ضمن خدمت فرهنگيان

سامانه هوشمند پيام كوتاه

بسيج سرجوب

بانك ملي

زبان 3 - نمونه سوالات درس 5

شنبه, ۵ اسفند ۱۳۸۵، ۰۸:۰۹ ق.ظ

نمونه سوالات درس 5

1 – با استفاده از کلمه های داده شده جملات را کامل کنید . (بعضی از کلمات ممکن است در چند جمله بکار روند.)

 (far apart – consider – invention – bored – meal – interesting – consist of – insisted on – confused – invented – secret – accounts – shout – shocked – involve – call up – invited)

1. The story was very interesting I read it from beginning to end.

2. The first meal of the day is called breakfast.

3. I arrived late at school today because my house is in Karaj. They are far apart.

4. The book was badly written. I soon got bored with it.

5. I don’t involve her among my best friends.

6. People's lives have greatly changed since the invention of telephone.

7. This English class consists of ten boys and twelve girls.

8. “Why did you leave the meeting early?”  “Because I was bored.”

9. “Why did you put the book aside?” It was very confused.

10. Don’t make the plan known to anybody. Let's keep it as a secret.

11. I can't think clearly. I am completely confused now.

12. “What does your job involve?” I keep accounts.

13. Teachers shouldn’t shout at little children in schools.

14. “Why are you so shocked?”  “I have heard that Ali is dead.

15. “What does your job involve  “I have to prepare reports.”

16. “When did you call up your friend?”  “I telephoned before dinner.”

17. “Did they enjoy the film?”  “No, it wasn’t interesting.”

18. “What did Alexander Graham Bell do?”

“He invited the telephone.”


2- جملات زیر را با نوشتن کلمه ای مناسب از خودتان کامل کنید.

1) The time when it is dark because there is no light from the sun is called night. 

2) In Ramadan, Moslems don’t eat from sunrise to sunset. In fact they fast.

3) Long ago, paper was made of a kind of plant called papyrus.


3- شکل صحیح کلمات داخل پرانتز را در جای خالی بنویسید.

1) He got surprised when he heard that I had left my job. (surprise)

2) I didn’t understand the physics problem because it was confusing. (confuse)

3) I am watching an interesting tennis game. (interest)

4) We felt very relaxed when we heard that he was safe. (relax)

5) It was a very exciting football match. We enjoyed it very much. (excite)

6) He's unhappy because his job is boring. (bore)


4 – پاسخهای صحیح را از بین گزینه های پیشنهادی انتخاب کنید.

1) It was quite ……………… that my sister could pass her exams.

a) surprise        

b) to surprise            

c) surprised              

d) surprising


2) "Did you enjoy the programs?"  “Yes, they were very ………………”

a) amused        

b) amusing               

c) to amuse              

d) amuse


3) I had never expected a job. I was really………… when I got it.

a) surprised      

b) surprise                

c) to surprise            

d) surprising


4) What a beautiful flower! It smells ………… too.

a) well              

b) nice                     

c) ugly                     

d) badly


5) My father feels …………… today. He can go to work.

a) good                   

b) badly               

c) well                                              

d) sick


6. I will start a job next week. I'm quite ……………… about it .

a) excited             

b) exciting            

c) to excite            

d) excitement


7. Yesterday I read a story . It was very ……………………

a) amused            

b) amuse              

c) amusing           

d) amusement


8. I never visit art museums. I am not ……………… in art.

a) interest             

b) to interest         

c) interesting         

d) interested


5 ـ با هر گروه از کلمات زیر یک جمله بنویسید.

1) was - bored - because – he – was – boring – the film

He was bored because the film was boring.


2) in – village – he – a – beautiful –lives – small

He lives in a beautiful small village.


3) were – shocking – shocked – we – the news – because – was

We were shocked because the news was shocking.


4) some – I – French – will eat – soup – chicken

I will eat some French chicken soup.


5) asked – the – interested – questions – students – interesting – a lot of

The interested students asked a lot of interesting questions.


6ـ درک مطلب کوتاه :

با توجه به مفهوم جمله ، گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید .

1. When he heard the voice from miles away, he was too excited to say" Good morning" The above sentence means that ……………………

a) he couldn't hear the voice from miles away .

b) he was too excited and said " Good morning "

c) he was very excited and didn't say " Good morning "

d) he wasn't excited after he heard the voice .


2. Some new words become part of a language, just as hello did.

a) some new words aren’t found on any languages .

b) Hello and some new words are forgotten.

c) Hello didn't become part of a language.

d) Hello became part of a language.


3. Every words has a kind of secret behind it, just as hello has.

a) Every words has a kind of secret behind it, but hello doesn't.

b) Hello as wall as any other words has a secret story behind it.

c) The secret stories of other words are the same as the secret story of hello.

d) hello has not a secret story, but any other words have a secret story l.


4. New words are born whenever they are needed. New words are being invented all the time.

a) When new words are born, they are being and invented.

b) When we need new words, they are born and invented.

c) When new words are invented, they are born.

d) When we are born, new words are being invented.


5. The words hello was kept because it was so useful. Other new words that aren't so useful may be forgotten soon.

a) We will forget the word hello soon.

b) Most of the words must be forgotten soon.

c) More useful words are kept for ever.

d) We may forget the most useful words.


6. Long ago in Egypt men made sheets of paper from papyrus. But today's paper is not made of papyrus at all.

a) Nowadays we use papyrus to make paper.

b) The sheets of paper are made of papyrus.

c) Today paper can't be made at all.

d) Papyrus is not used for making paper now.


7. People who were far apart couldn't talk to each other before the invention of the …………

a) calculator          

b) computer          

c) telegraph          

d) telephone


8. Before the invention of the telephone people couldn't speak to each other if they were ………………

a) together           

b) far apart           

c) too near            

d) alone


9. People could talk to each other even when they far apart.

It means that people ………………

a) could hardly talk to each other.

b) couldn't talk to each other at all.

c) could talk to each other from a far distance.

d) could talk only when they were near each other.


10. The world is changing all the time, so are words. It means that …………………

a) the world is changing, not words.

b) words are changing, not the world .

c) not only the world but also words are always changing .

d) the world and words aren't changing .


11. A hundred years ago, people could speak to each other only when they were together.

a) people hated talking to each other.

b) There were no phones at that time.

c) people enjoyed talking to each other.

d) people could speak while they were far apart.


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