سوالات و گرامر زبان انگلیسی

ویژه دانش آموزان ، دبیران و علاقمندان به فراگیری زبان اتگلیسی

سوالات و گرامر زبان انگلیسی

ویژه دانش آموزان ، دبیران و علاقمندان به فراگیری زبان اتگلیسی

وزارت آموزش و پرورش

اداره كل آموزش و پروش اصفهان

آموزش و پرورش برخوار

سوالات و گرامر زبان

'مدرسه راهنمايي نوايي

ضمن خدمت فرهنگيان

سامانه هوشمند پيام كوتاه

بسيج سرجوب

بانك ملي

زبان 2 - آزمون علمی مقایسه ای

چهارشنبه, ۱۴ شهریور ۱۳۸۶، ۰۸:۲۱ ق.ظ

6. The man's -------------- in solving math problems is very little.

1) mystery

2) passage

3) reward

4) knowledge


7. At last we found out who had -------------- the watch.

1) stolen

2) known

3) pulled

4) woken


8. Why did you have to go and tell Bob about my illness?
 Can't you keep a --------------.

1) secret

2) bill

3) light

4) mistake


9. She explained all the story again, but l still didn't --------------.

1) wait

2) understand

3) face

4) pick up


10. Don't you want to give back the money you -------------- from me?

1) picked

2) decided

3) borrowed

4) sailed


11. A -------------- is a thing that children like to play with.

1) rock

2) hammer

3) slice

4) toy


12. -------------- trying. You'll soon learn how to do the puzzle.

1) Pick up

2) Give back

3) Take off

4) Keep on


13. You can -------------- how to answer the question correctly if you try hard.

1) take off

2) turn on

3) find out

4) pick up


14. When she turned off the light, the eyes of the cat began to glow in the --------------.

1) sail

2) slice

3) dark

4) space


15. The cameras in the spaceships have taken -------------- pictures of the moon.

1) lots

2) a lot

3) lots of

4) much

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