سوالات و گرامر زبان انگلیسی

ویژه دانش آموزان ، دبیران و علاقمندان به فراگیری زبان اتگلیسی

سوالات و گرامر زبان انگلیسی

ویژه دانش آموزان ، دبیران و علاقمندان به فراگیری زبان اتگلیسی

وزارت آموزش و پرورش

اداره كل آموزش و پروش اصفهان

آموزش و پرورش برخوار

سوالات و گرامر زبان

'مدرسه راهنمايي نوايي

ضمن خدمت فرهنگيان

سامانه هوشمند پيام كوتاه

بسيج سرجوب

بانك ملي

۲۳ مطلب با موضوع «زبان سوم دبیرستان» ثبت شده است


مصدر با to

 1) بعد از بعضی از افعال، فعل بعدی به صورت مصدر با to می آید. بعضی از این افعال عبارتند از :

want – ask – tell – try – promise – forget – agree – decide – plan – like


مانند :

I want to go to cinema this evening.

I forgot to turn off the T.V last night.

I promised to get good marks this year.

I tried to learn fishing last year.


۸ نظر ۱۵ آذر ۸۷ ، ۱۲:۴۱
محمد داوری دولت آبادی


سال نو مبارک باد.

نمونه سوالات زیر به صورت PDF می باشند.

زبان سال اول دبیرستان

زبان سال دوم دبیرستان

زبان سال سوم دبیرستان

۸ نظر ۰۹ اسفند ۸۶ ، ۱۲:۳۷
محمد داوری دولت آبادی

نمونه سوالات زبان ترم اول دوره دبیرستان

سوالات زیر به صورت PDF می باشند.

۱۱ نظر ۰۸ دی ۸۶ ، ۱۳:۰۴
محمد داوری دولت آبادی

Choose the best answer.

1. He puts --------------- his best coat to go a dinner party.


a. in

b. by

c. on

d. off

2. I want to --------------- now.

a. turn it on

b. turn on it

c. turn the radio on

d. both a and c

3. Your shoes are dirty. Please ---------------them ---------------

a. put – on

b. turn – off

c. take – off

d. pick – up

4. What are the boys doing? They are --------------- for a bus.

a. waiting

b. going

c. coming

d. talking

۱ نظر ۰۲ آذر ۸۶ ، ۱۳:۰۸
محمد داوری دولت آبادی


Choose the best answer.

1. A stupid class is difficult to teach. They don't understand what one says. The opposite of underlined word is ---------------------

a) silly

b) strong

c) polite

d) clever


2. A: "How much does this book cost?"

    B: "Nothing; it is ---------------------

a) expensive

b) cheap

c) free

d) full


3. All governments spend money on --------------------- to improve their nation's abilities

a) discussion

b) societies

c) education

d) values


4. A: "Do farmers --------------------- any rise in this area."

    B: "No, here we only grow vegetables."   

a) produce

b) improve

c) employ

d) grow up

۰ نظر ۰۹ آبان ۸۶ ، ۱۳:۴۲
محمد داوری دولت آبادی


Choose the correct answer.

1. Do you know when -----------------------?

a) will the bus leave

b) dose the bus leave

c) the bus will leave

d) the bus leave


2. A:”Does she go to the seaside on Fridays?”  B: “I don't know ----------------------- to the seaside.”

a) when she goes

b) when will she go

c) when does she go

d) when is she going


3. A: ”What’s your plan for the weekend?”  B: “I ----------------------- do my homework and relax.

a) am going

b) was going to

c) was going

d) am going to


4. We have bought some roses and we ----------------------- them in the garden.

a) will be planted

b) planted

c) were planting

d) are going to plant

۳ نظر ۲۶ مهر ۸۶ ، ۱۴:۴۶
محمد داوری دولت آبادی

1-  بجای هر خط تیره یک حرف مناسب  بنویسید. (3 نمره)


1. She was infl_enced by TV program.

2. Children's eyesig_t improved in several c_ses.

3. Some TV chan_els show only a sin_le type of program.

4. You can improve your av_rage easily.


2-  جمله های زیر را فقط با نوشتن یک کلمه مناسب کامل کنید. (3 نمره)


5. A person whose job is to fill, clean or take out bad teeth is called a (n) ………………….

6. A radio …………………. won't have many listeners if it is not interesting.

7. A person who is watching a television program is called a TV ………………….

۱ نظر ۰۸ شهریور ۸۶ ، ۰۹:۰۵
محمد داوری دولت آبادی


در این پست چند نمونه سوال از زبان 3 دبیرستان براتون بصورت PDF گذاشتم.


برای باز کردن سوالات به نرم افزار مخصوص این نوع فرمت نیاز دارید که اگه اون رو ندارید می تونید از اینجا بگیرید.

۲ نظر ۱۶ مرداد ۸۶ ، ۱۵:۵۴
محمد داوری دولت آبادی


Choose the best answer.

1. Haven’t you seen my glasses? I don’t remember where ----------------- them.

1) did I put

2) I have put

3) I will put

4) have I put


2. It’s eight o’clock and I’m not ready yet. I ----------------- late.

1) was going to be

2) am going to be

3) have just been

4) had been


3. The Iran-Iraq war began in 1981 and ----------------- for 8 years.

1) happened

2) improved

3) filled

4) continued


4. This weekly TV show will interest young -----------------

1) followers

2) researchers

3) viewers

4) enemies


5. The US war on Iraq was one of the important events of ----------------- year.

1) recent

2) wonderful

3) unusual

4) perfect

۱ نظر ۱۴ مرداد ۸۶ ، ۱۲:۲۲
محمد داوری دولت آبادی


A- املای کدام کلمه صحیح است؟

1) A: average

B: emprove

C: choise

D: eshamed


B- بهترین گزینه را انتخاب کنید.

2) My brother is a very good swimmer, he has ---------- arms and legs.

A: powerfully

B: powerful

C: powerfulness

D: power


3) I am waiting ---------- the doctor.

A: at

B: with

C: on

D: for


4) The man ---------- teaches English here is my uncle.

A: witch

B: what

C: who

D: whose


5) A: Can you read a book in a dark room?

    B: No, it's ---------- to read a book in a dark room.

A: for me possible

B: impossible for me

C: impossible

D: possible


6) It is ---------- to learn English.

A: easy

B: for

C: me

D: are


7) A: What is forbidden in the bus? (smoke)        

    B: ----------

A: Smoke is forbidden in the bus.

B: Smoke in bus is forbidden.

C: Smoking in bus is forbidden.

D: Smoking is forbidden in the bus.


C- جای خالی را با بهترین گزینه پر کنید.

8) Banks try to employ ---------- people.

A: honest

B: real

C: slow

D: rapid


9) It's difficult to understand the reasons for the ---------- of different birds.

A: invitation

B: migration

C: guidance

D: existence


10) Your room is so bright and ----------

A: sunny

B: rainy

C: cloudy

D: windy


D- کلمات زیر را به ترتیبی مرتب کنید تا جمله ای صحیح ساخته شود.

11) (them , she , isn't , to , similar)?

A: She is similar to them?

B: She to them is similar?

C: Is she them similar to?

D: Is she similar to them?


12) (what , he , to , buy , is , going)?

A: What is he going buy to?

B: What is he going to buy?

C: What to buy he is going?

D: What is going he to buy?


- مترادف کلمه هایی که زیر آنها خط کشیده شده است را انتخاب کنید.E

13) Today, people educate their people to live better.

A: learn

B: train

C: improve

D: behave


14) He looks happy today.

A: sees

B: seems

C: makes

D: happens


F- به سوال زیر پاسخ دهید.

15) A: How often do you go to the dentist?  B: ---------- a year.

A: Two times

B: Two

C: Twice

D: A and C


G- تلفظ آخرین صدای کدام کلمه به طور صحیح مشخص شده است؟

16) A: keeps /z/

B: teaches /z/

C: writes /iz/

D: tapes /s/


H- تکیه (stress) در کدام کلمه درست مشخص شده است؟

17) A: ne'ver

B: 'myself

C: 'after

D: 'enough


18) A: im'portant

B: 'already

C: 'mechanic

D: ano'ther


I- با توجه به متن بهترین گزینه را انتخاب کنید.

19) In one country a recent research showed that the average person spent three and a half hours a day watching television. Housewives are the biggest group of the viewers. They spent an average of about five hours a day watching TV while their husbands were out at work.

According to the passage ----------

A: all women watch TV most of the time.

B: some women watch TV about 3 hours a day.

C: the biggest group of viewers is husbands.

D: we spend an average of about three and a half hours watching TV a day.


J- با توجه به متن بالا صحیح (T) یا غلط بودن (F) جمله زیر را معین کنید.


20) Housewives do not have time to watch television. ---------- (T / F)



۰ نظر ۲۳ تیر ۸۶ ، ۱۴:۰۲
محمد داوری دولت آبادی





1. The army captain told the soldiers ----- until he gave order.

1. not shoot

2. not shooting

3. don’t shoot

4. not to shoot


2. There was a fire at the hotel last week.  Two of the rooms -----.

1. have damaged

2. had damaged

3. were damaged

4. were damaging


3. In the cupboard, there are some ----- tea cups used for special occasions.

1. small beautiful Egyptian

2. beautiful small Egyptian

3. Egyptian beautiful small

4. small Egyptian beautifull


4. At first he didn’t want to give the speech.  But finally the teacher ----- him give it.

1. asked

2. made

3. allowed

4. forced


5. My teaching style is similar ----- that of most other teachers.

1. at

2. of

3. for

4. to


6. It is not possible for an elephant ----- faster than a horse.

1. going

2. to go

3. goes

4. go


7. No wonder she feels -----.Her brother is coming back from England.

1. happy

2. happily

3. more happily

4. most happily


8. The children got ----- because the film wasn’t amusing.

1. bore 

2. boring

3. bored

4. to bore


9. Reza is interested in ----- football matches.

1. watch

2. watching

3. watches

4. watched


10. “What did you eat for lunch?”  ”I can’t remember what -----.”

1. did I eat

2. I had eaten

3. I did ate

4. I ate





11. Majid can tell us everything about the matter because he has a lot of -----.

1. estimations

2. information  

3. conditions

4. reflections


12. You can ----- three questions from the five on the exam paper.

1. choose

2. decide

3. employ

4. borrow


13. We do ----- to find out what will happen or to see if something is true.

1. an expression

2. a conversation

3. an experiment

4. a discussion


14. I’m very thirsty. Can you ----- this glass with water, please?

1. fall

2. pull

3. fill

4. boil


15. Psychologists believe that forgetting does not ----- at an even pace.

1. take place

2. take away

3. take apart

4. take part


16. The driver is ----- for the lives of the people on the train.

1. interesting

2. different

3. responsible

4. conscious


17. I was so cold that I had no ----- in my feet.

1. interest

2. pressure

3. behavior

4. feeling


18. “Does Parvin always leave the class early?”  ” Yes, she ----- stays late.”

1. always

2. often

3. usually 

4. never


19.  The main ----- of educating children is to fit them for life.

1. mystery

2. mistake

3. ability

4. purpose


20. He ----- about his age. He said he was 16 but he was really 14.

1. lied

2. told

3. spoke

4. heard


۰ نظر ۲۱ تیر ۸۶ ، ۱۲:۴۶
محمد داوری دولت آبادی

1. I am going to put on my new shoes. I am going to ……………

1) put on it

2) put on them

3) put it on          

4) put them on


2. Were you working in the rain? Your shirt is quite wet. Why don't you ……………? 

1) give it up

2) give it back

3) take it off

4) turn it on


3. The driver who is responsible …………… the accident is sorry …………… his mistake.

1) of – of

2) for – about

3) for – of

4) of – about


4. Those who have a good …………… almost never forget anything.                                   

1) behavior

2. character

3) memory

4) property


5. Please …………… the television before you go to bed; or we would not be able to sleep.

1) look for

2) put on

3) turn off

4) wake up


6. A: Where is that old newspaper?            

    B: I …………… yesterday.

1) threw away it

2) threw it away

3) took away it   

4) put it away


7. Mrs. Ahmadi's servant will …………… her children while she is in hospital.

1) look up

2) look for

3) look after

4) look at


8. I can't hear the radio at all. Please turn ……………

1) it up

2) up it

3) it down

4) down it


9. The doctor hasn't come yet. I am still ……………

1) waiting him for

2) waiting for him

3) looking after him

4) calling up him


10. What kind of films are you more interested ……………

1) in

2) at

3) -------

4) for


11. James' grandmother said, "The fire turns the water into steam." "Turn into" means: ……………

1) die out 

2) change into

3) go up    

4) make hot


12. The population of a country increases or decreases as a result of three basic operations: birth, death and ……………  

1) education

2) pollution

3) collection  

4) migration


13. A: Do you have any ……………?

      B: Yes, sometimes I read, I watch TV and play music.

1) information

2) hobbies

3) events

4) questions


14. I don't know why he did it but I think he has a good ……………

1) information

2) migration

3) invitation

4) explanation


15. The teacher …………… the principles of nuclear force to the class, but only a few of them seemed to understand.

1) advertised

2) appointed

3) realized

4) explained


16. By …………… you can help your brain to record a lot of information.

1) mistake

2) over learning

3) basis

4) loss


17. He …………… the child and held him in his arms.                                          

1) gave back

2) took off

3) looked for

4) picked up


18. Please write to us for more …………… of the job.

1) advantages 

2) customers

3) details

4) expressions


19. No one knows for certain when this world came into ……………

1) existence

2) guidance 

3) migration

4) discussion


20. The wild flowers on the roadsides made pretty ……………

1) choices

2) designs

3) events

4) scenes


21. In fact, our…………… and not our eyes make it possible to understand what we read.

1) brains

2) capacity

3) feeling

4) purpose      

۰ نظر ۲۳ فروردين ۸۶ ، ۱۹:۴۴
محمد داوری دولت آبادی





1. The army captain told the soldiers ----- until he gave order.

     1. not shoot        

     2. not shooting             

     3. don’t shoot                  

     4. not to shoot


2. There was a fire at the hotel last week. Two of the rooms -----

     1. have damaged        

     2. had damaged   

     3. were damaged        

     4. were damaging


3. In the cupboard, there are some ----- tea cups used for special occasions.

     1. small beautiful Egyptian             

     2. beautiful small Egyptian                                     

     3. Egyptian beautiful small             

     4. small Egyptian beautiful


4. At first he didn’t want to give the speech. But finally the teacher ----- him give it.

     1. asked                            

     2. made                         

     3. allowed              

     4. forced


5. My teaching style is similar ----- that of most other teachers.

     1. at                                 

     2. of                                 

     3. for                     

     4. to

۱ نظر ۲۰ فروردين ۸۶ ، ۱۲:۰۶
محمد داوری دولت آبادی

نمونه سوالات درس 6

1ـ کلمات داده شده را در جملات زیر بکار ببرید . (بعضی از کلمات ممکن است بیش از یکبار به کار روند.)

(skills – spacecraft(s) – programs – instruction – endeavors – filed – disabled – information – drugs – separate – orbit)


1) Computer can held in most field of human ………………


2) Computer can do things according to programs which are given to them.

3) Will you please cut the little boy's cake into separate pieces?

4) Computers can help disabled people to learn skills.

5) Computers help chemists to design drugs.

6) There are computer programs which can help some disabled people.

7) "What's your filed of interest?"  "Physics"

8) "Where did the spacecraft go?"  "To the Mars"

9) Computer can control all spacecrafts which orbit out through space.

10) Please give me some information about different computer systems.

11) A computer can be given instruction called programs which tell it exactly what to do.

لطفاً ادامه مطلب را کلیک کنید.

۲ نظر ۰۷ اسفند ۸۵ ، ۰۸:۱۲
محمد داوری دولت آبادی

نمونه سوالات درس 5

1 – با استفاده از کلمه های داده شده جملات را کامل کنید . (بعضی از کلمات ممکن است در چند جمله بکار روند.)

 (far apart – consider – invention – bored – meal – interesting – consist of – insisted on – confused – invented – secret – accounts – shout – shocked – involve – call up – invited)

1. The story was very interesting I read it from beginning to end.

2. The first meal of the day is called breakfast.

3. I arrived late at school today because my house is in Karaj. They are far apart.

4. The book was badly written. I soon got bored with it.

5. I don’t involve her among my best friends.

6. People's lives have greatly changed since the invention of telephone.

7. This English class consists of ten boys and twelve girls.

8. “Why did you leave the meeting early?”  “Because I was bored.”

9. “Why did you put the book aside?” It was very confused.

10. Don’t make the plan known to anybody. Let's keep it as a secret.

11. I can't think clearly. I am completely confused now.

12. “What does your job involve?” I keep accounts.

13. Teachers shouldn’t shout at little children in schools.

14. “Why are you so shocked?”  “I have heard that Ali is dead.

15. “What does your job involve “I have to prepare reports.”

16. “When did you call up your friend?”  “I telephoned before dinner.”

17. “Did they enjoy the film?”  “No, it wasn’t interesting.”

18. “What did Alexander Graham Bell do?”

“He invited the telephone.”


لطفاً ادامه مطلب را کلیک کنید.

۱ نظر ۰۵ اسفند ۸۵ ، ۰۸:۰۹
محمد داوری دولت آبادی